The New Delhi district electoral officer (RO), on Thursday, ordered the Delhi Police to probe the allegation against BJP nominee from New Delhi Pravesh Verma that he was engaged in distributing goodies among female voters of his constituency.
The DEO’s move came in the wake of a video surfaced on a YouTube channel ‘Red Mike’ wherein he is accused of violation of Model Code of Conduct (MCC).
Replying to the post by a freelance journalist on X, the DEO stated, “A YouTube video has surfaced, allegedly revealing that sarees were being distributed at the residence of Parvesh Verma, BJP candidate from New Delhi Assembly Constituency, which constitutes a violation of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC).”
On receipt of the information, the Flying Squad Team (FST) was immediately directed to verify the spot. But during verification, no such activity was detected. However, the video clearly indicates that sarees were being distributed.
“In light of this evidence, a formal complaint has been lodged with the police by the Returning Officer (New Delhi AC). The police have been requested to investigate the matter thoroughly and initiate action under the relevant provisions of the Representation of the People Act (RPA) and other applicable laws,” the post mentioned.
On AAP’s call for an impartial inquiry into the allegation, the DEO mentioned in his post these allegations are baseless, untrue, and without merit. He remained committed to ensuring strict compliance of the MCC and addressing any violations promptly and decisively.
Meanwhile, the Delhi Police lodged a Non-Cognizable Report (NCR) in connection with allegations against BJP leader Parvesh Sahib Singh Verma for violating the model code of conduct by allegedly distributing cash, and shoes.